- Historical Marginalization:
- Liaquat Ali Khan’s Assassination: His death is seen as a pivotal moment when the pursuit of Mohajir rights was curtailed. His advocacy for fair treatment of Mohajirs was perceived as a threat by certain powerful factions, leading to his murder and a subsequent erosion of Mohajir rights.
- Continuing Neglect:
- Leadership and Policies: Successive governments, including that of Pervez Musharraf, failed to address or rectify the injustices faced by Mohajirs. Musharraf’s administration, despite its claims of reform, did not prioritize returning the capital to Karachi or advocating for Mohajir rights.
- Institutional Disparities:
- Employment and Representation: The Mohajir community has faced significant challenges in securing employment and representation in key institutions across Pakistan, especially in Urban Sindh. Jobs in crucial sectors like police, judiciary, taxation, administration, and various public and private organizations have often been dominated by non-residents or individuals from other regions.
- Systemic Bias: There is a perception that Mohajirs are systematically excluded from opportunities and positions of power, contributing to a broader sense of disenfranchisement and marginalization.
Broader Context:
- Historical Context: The treatment of Mohajirs since 1947 reflects broader patterns of post-partition politics and governance, where various groups and regions have struggled to achieve fair representation and justice.
- Institutional Challenges: The issues you’ve outlined resonate with a larger conversation about how institutional biases and systemic inequalities can perpetuate marginalization of certain communities.
- Advocacy and Legal Redress: Mohajirs might benefit from focused advocacy efforts, legal challenges, and mobilization to address systemic injustices and seek redress.
- Political Engagement: Increased political engagement and representation could help address some of these issues. Building alliances and pushing for policy changes at the national level could potentially lead to better recognition and support for Mohajir rights.
- Historical Documentation: Continued documentation and scholarly work on the historical and current issues faced by Mohajirs can help in raising awareness and fostering understanding, potentially leading to more informed policy responses.